Learning Styles

Do you know your learning style? If not, I have a few tips to help you realize your particular learning style. There is a system that uses your senses to help understand your way of learning. In general, there are 3 learning styles, Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic.  Once you learn your particular style then you can tailor your lessons towards how you will best retain the information. So, let’s break down each of the 3 learning styles.

Visual – This learning style deals with your sense of sight, meaning that you learn best by seeing. For example, watching a video, reading a book or instructions, viewing charts, graphs, or diagrams, or watching a demonstration is the best way to show you how to learn something new.

Auditory – This learning style deals with your sense of hearing, meaning that you learn best by listening. For example, listening to a lecture or podcast. One of the ways to enhance your auditory learning style is to read aloud and recite aloud the material that you need to learn.

Kinesthetic – This learning style deals with movement, meaning that hands-on learning is best for you. For example, building a model, following step by step tutorials, lab visits, etc. One of the ways to enhance your kinesthetic learning style is to create a practice exam and learning by trial and error.

Other learning styles can include reading and writing. For example, reading a chapter and taking notes. Individuals can have more than one learning style, for example, I learn best by using all 3 learning styles. I am a self-taught seamstress and I learn how to make garment and handbags by watching step by step video tutorials. I can see (visual) the garment being made, I can hear (auditory) the instructions that are given, and I can put the garment together (kinesthetic) as I am watching the tutorial.

Here are a few resources to help you understand your learning style:

Learning Style Inventory

Learning Style Assessment

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