5 Tips to Successful Networking


Hello All!

Every once in a while, we find ourselves in a situation where we are in a room with people that we admire. Often, we do not take advantage of these opportunities because of fear. Networking brings out fear and insecurities that we don’t want others to see.

I myself am an introvert, so it used to be hard for me to talk to someone I did not know. When I started teaching, I had to come out of the shyness and open up for to students. When I started teaching I would receive new students every 2 weeks, then every 4 weeks, and now every 6 weeks. Imagine being a shy, reserved, introvert and having to teach new people so frequently.

Fear of networking is a real thing for many people. Networking can lead to a new job, home, friends, etc. I want to share 5 ways to improve your networking skills:

  1. Informational interviews
  2. Business card
  3. Elevator speech
  4. Mentor
  5. Social media

Let’s look at each one in the context of finding a job:

Informational interview – Find someone already working in your field of interest, with at least 3 years of experience and interview them. This does not have to be in a formal setting or even face to face. You can interview the person via email, phone, or chat. Ask questions that you want to be answered about your field of interest. For example, what’s your typical day like or how did you find your position? Make sure that you are asking questions that will give you a clear picture of your field of interest. Keep the interview short and send a thank you note afterward.

Business card – Did you know that you can create a business card even if you are still a student? Yes, you can create a business card to hand out at networking events, job fairs, open houses, etc. This business card should have your name, field of interest or position, contact information, and skills. Also, add a graphic that is related to your field of interest.

Elevator speech – The elevator speech is a 30-second commercial that lets individuals know who you are and what you can bring to their company. The focus should be your education, skills, and experience.

Mentor – Find someone that can mentor you. A mentor can guide you in your job search and let you know some of the mistakes they made on their journey. They can give you interview tips and important information regarding your field of interest. A mentor may even be able to introduce you to the right people.

Social media – Social media is a great way to network because it is FREE! Sites such as Facebook and LinkedIn have various tools to help you in your job search. Use Facebook to search for groups that focus on your field of interest and get inside tips from on how to navigate the job market. Post your resume by creating a profile on LinkedIn to help employers find you.

Well, I hope these 5 tips are helpful in improving your networking skills! Leave a comment on how you are currently networking in your job search and if you have used any or all of the networking tips listed above.


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