5 Strategies for Managing Stress

Whether we are a full time or part time student or a working adult, we all have to deal with stress. With the demands of work, tests, family, etc., it can be hard to deal with stress. Stress is the physical and emotional response we have to events that threaten or challenge us (Feldman, 2017). When trying to cope with stress, we first must identify which area of our lives the stress is coming from. Once we identify where the stress is coming from in our lives, then we can learn how to cope with it.

I want to give you 5 strategies to help you deal with stress:

  • Don’t let small things turn into large things

Have you ever heard of the saying don’t sweat the small stuff? Well take that literally, don’t let small temporary situations turn into large permanent situations. For example, traffic is something that we cannot control, so don’t get worked up when you are stuck in traffic and may arrive at your destination a few minutes late. Think about the small things in your life that you may or may not have control over and put them in proper perspective.

  • Managing responsibilities

Everyone has responsibilities; therefore, it is essential that we learn how to manage our responsibilities. The first thing we need to do is prioritize those responsibilities by creating a to-do list. Once you have created a to-do list, then rank each task by assigning a number (see post on creating a to-do list). Once you have created your to-do list and prioritized that list, then use time management techniques to create a schedule. Other ways to manage your responsibilities are communicating with others that can assist you, multitasking, and making sure that your personal needs are being taken care of.

  • Change your eating habits

There are so many benefits to changing your eating habits. Have you ever noticed that when you eat a heavy meal that you are tired and sluggish? For me, this leads to aggravation and the only thing I want to do is lay around and watch Netflix! When you are eating a well balanced diet you do not have those feelings of sluggishness, you are more focused, and your memory is improved. Food is fuel!

  • Exercise

Exercise goes right along with changing your eating habits. A well-balanced diet, as well as a regular exercise routine, can improve your energy and make your body perform more efficiently.

  • Rest

Resting and getting a good night’s sleep is one of the best things you can do to manage stress. When you are sleep deprived then it is difficult to stay alert at work and school. Most people need at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep to function at their highest level. This varies depending on the person.

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